At St. Joan of Arc, we have a whole school approach to student wellbeing. We encourage each student to have a sense of connectedness and belonging. Students who are happy, secure and have positive relationships with others are able to succeed at school and are able to grow as a whole person.

Student Wellbeing is addressed in some of the following ways:



  • The building of positive relationships between students, staff and parents
  • Explicit Teaching of Social and Emotional Skills and Capabilities 
  • Regular Circle Time in each classroom
  • Providing a stimulating learning environment where every child can succeed
  • Providing leadership opportunities for students 
  • Awards and acknowledgement of effort and achievement
  • Provide an environment where children are encouraged to show empathy and gratitude
  • Clear expectations of school rules with a focus on respect for others



Early Intervention

  • Identifying and supporting children who are at risk – socially, emotionally and academically
  • Development of Individual Learning Plans
  • Explicit teaching of social and emotional learning skills
  • Regular communication with parents of children who are at risk 
  • Individual Behaviour Management Plans
  • Restorative Practices





  • Providing support services for at-risk children e.g. referrals to psychologists and speech therapists
  • Regular Program Support Group meetings for parents, teachers and specialists
  • Peaceful Kids program for students with anxiety held throughout the year
  • Peaceful Parents Program offered to all parents annually
  • Seasons program for children experiencing loss and grief
  • Regular social skills support for children experiencing conflict with peers
  • Support from external professionals to guide programming for at risk students
  • Restoring relationships between students after conflict and difficulties

We listen to and speak politely to each other.


We allow others to work quietly.


We move around the school in a safe manner.


We wear the correct school uniform at all times.


We treat others with respect.


Everyone is allowed to join in our game.


We respect our school environment and other people’s belongings.


Social and Emotional Learning is vital at St. Joan of Arc. It is the process through which we learn to recognise and manage emotions, care about others, make good decisions, behave ethically and responsibly, develop positive relationships and avoid negative behaviours.

These are essential life skills that support wellbeing and positive mental health. Social and emotional skills promote children’s ability to cope with difficulties and help prevent mental health problems.

Social and Emotional Learning is the process for integrating thinking, feeling and behaviour to achieve important social/life tasks, meet personal and social needs and develop the skills necessary to become a productive member of society. Staff at St. Joan of Arc draw from a range of programs to support the Social and Emotional development of all students, including Resilience Project, Respectful Relationships, Berry Street and Peaceful Kids.



Self – Management

Managing emotions and behaviours to achieve one’s goals

Self – Awareness

Recognising one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations

Responsible Decision Making

Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behaviour

Social Awareness

Showing understanding and empathy for others

Relationship Skills

Forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict
Social and Emotional competencies are developed at St. Joan of Arc through:
Regular circle time in each classroom
Restorative practices
You Can Do It social skills program
Regular social skilling activities
Positive role modelling
Find out more about our enrolment process.